Wednesday, November 18, 2009

We lost Pluto, but we might get a new ocean

We're more design than science, but this article is pretty interesting. A new ocean!
It might be millions of years before it becomes an Ocean, but I say we purchase future waterfront property right now. I hear prices are pretty cheap for politically unstable, hard to access, desertic land.


paper girl said...

ouu a new ocean is fun.
but i'm still mourning pluto.

can you google street view the desert?

clementinebleue said...,-95.677068&sspn=23.875,57.630033&hq=&hnear=Afar,+Ethiopia&t=h&layer=x&g=Afar,+Ethiopia&ll=13.600463,40.667245&spn=0.012534,0.022681&z=16

clementinebleue said...

but you can't street view it. Bummer.

jet set girl said...

we lost pluto?? i'm confused??!!

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