Monday, November 9, 2009

Cankles and High Heels

This is too funny... Andrea and I were JUST having a discussions about the use of high heels.

I believe high heels should be banned. Andrea pointed out that they improve the look of ankles and calves.

I think the real solution is to find beauty in cankles. They should become fashionable. And then high heels could disappear. And then every woman would have a fair chance to catch up to the bus.


jet set girl said...

You can't seriously say you want to BAN high heels... outrageous.

Cankles or no cankles, I love high heels.

Agreed, they are not the most practical footwear but they can make or break an outfit.
Too some people, that's the small price to pay.

paper girl said...

after those heals i wore to pl&k's engagement, i couldn't make it back to the car, only a block away, s had to drive it over.
such a dilema.

jet set girl said...

Can I still "rent" the shoes? :)

Ask the Third to bring them with her to Ottawa !! lol

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