Friday, November 20, 2009

If it were couture

so, i was browsing italian vogue and saw these dresses. some of them would be perfect for jet set and clem as bridesmaids!

chic boxhat doll bridesmaid (lacroix)

gold statue bridesmaid (abed mahfouz)

rainbow startrek bridemaid (gaultier)

peacock armour bridemaid (chanel)

my favorite: lost her skirt bridemaid about to take off (dior)

and of course for me, cultural melting-pot statue bride

actually there were lots of gorgeous things too.


jet set girl said...

i actually like the gold one...

clementinebleue said...

the chanel macrame scares me. Because I know you. You would make us wear it.

jet set girl said...

macramé... *CHILLS*

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