Thursday, January 28, 2010

Overheard at ?

One of my favorite sites when I need a laugh is Overheard in NYC.

Now i've just come across Overheard at Mcgill.

a few examples:
Girl 1: Can you be gay if you’ve never had sex with anyone?
Girl 2:
I don’t know…do you feel gay when you masturbate?

Girl #1: Wait, is the Plateau a building?
Girl #2: Or is it like a region?

Guy 1 : Dude, where is the Pacific Ocean?
Guy 2: Seriously? Like, the biggest ocean in the world?
Guy 1: Yeah, I guess.

Prof: [looking at Girl 1] …Are you from the US?
Girl 2:
She’s wearing a Roots sweater – why did you think that she was from the US?
I’m wearing no underwear. Where am I from?
- Leacock


jet set girl said...

i don't get it :( lol

paper girl said...

its the dumb things people say, basically, lol

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