Friday, December 24, 2010

What is love... simply a chemical addiction?

This is a more personal entry than my other ones; I seem to have met someone for which things just REALLY clic. I am scared to use the cliché of "love at first sight" (for the more realistic people like me, maybe it should be "lust at first sight"?!) but it seems like this is what people describe.

As papergirl would agree, my romantic track has not been the most stable and it has been a few years since I have had a special someone where timing, feelings, a good level of sanity and even being in the same city actually coincides. So overall, as much as I am beyond excitement at the prospect of spending time with this special new someone, I have big fears.

So putting my utter gittiness aside, I started to wonder "what is love" (and I am not talking about this cheezy song either).

So if you type "what happens when we fall in love" in your favorite web browser, you can start belieiving that the all around answer may be there... You may understanding these crazy internal sensational (hello, butterflies in the stomach anyone??!!).

The first thing that caught my eye was the site which would give me the "scientific" explanation. Here is an exerpt: "If you've ever been in love, you've probably at least considered classifying the feeling as an addiction. And guess what: You were right. As it turns out, scientists are discovering that the same chemical process that takes place with addiction takes place when we fall in love."

So the conclusion number one: I have become a closeted drug addict... Great. Is there rehab for this? :)

And then you continue your web search and fall upon old classic french songs with cute little cartoons which almost restores your faith that you are not crazy or on "special" drugs.

I guess the first public "symbol" or gesture that we are attracted to someone is holding hands or kissing. The history of the kiss may require further research but here is the definition of a kiss according to Wikipedia: "A kiss is the act of pressing one's lips against the lips or other body parts of another. Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely. A kiss may be used to express sentiments of love, passion, affection, respect, greeting, friendship, and good luck, among many others. The word came from Old English cyssan "to kiss", in turn from coss "a kiss". The act of kissing has become a common expression of affection among many cultures worldwide. Yet in certain cultures, kissing was introduced only through European settlement; prior to this, kissing was not a routine occurrence."

So on that note, I shall update the blog on my research on the act of falling in love.

But in the end, I think a little bit of my romantic faith has been re-kindle and just for that, I think that deserves a little nod on our blog.


paper girl said...

ah love...
it always sneaks up on you like that.
little bugger!

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