Monday, April 19, 2010

Portes Ouvertes Design Montréal on May 1 & 2!

From the website:

100 free activities. All over the city.
Once again, Montréal designers and architects open their doors to the public. May 1 and 2, 2010, from noon to 5 p.m.

Design and designers—in the fields of architecture as well as interior, industrial, graphic or fashion design—are a dynamic force in Montréal’s cultural and economic life. In June 2006, Montréal was named a UNESCO City of Design, and became part of the Creative Cities Network of the Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity, instituted by UNESCO in 2004. Today, both in terms of the city’s assets and its development potential in architecture and design, Montrealers are called upon to understand this designation awarded by UNESCO and make it their own."


paper girl said...

ohh i always forget about this, then remember sunday afternoon.

jet set girl said...

We should plan to go this year!! :)

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